Saturday, 17 March 2012



You can now earn big finders fee in one deal by sourcing for export contract for Nigeria exporters
 Export contract is an international purchase order, which would be signed by both the buyer/importer and he seller, the exporter before a legally binding international trade can take place between them. Getting export contract therefore is a very critical step in the export value chain, However many find it difficult to obtain because of knowledge gap in understanding trade terms, export market information and local product information.
Online export business: It might interest you to know that the gap between you and the millions of naira waiting for you in this business is nothing but the “basic understanding of an export business process”. Understanding the fundamentals of an export business process especially as it concerns securing a GENUINE EXPORT ORDER/ CONTRACT with a well secured method of payment, then you are on your way to making UNIMAGINABLE LOADS OF MONEY.
NOTE: You are strongly advised to use the email for all communication that has to do with export because it is faster, more efficient and cheaper. More than office apartment, you need the determination to make it work
The big secret: Veteran exporters and prospective exporters are in dire need of export contracts for the various agricultural and allied/ mineral commodities that could be explored within the country. So all you should do as an export entrepreneur is to secure these contracts via the internet using the various trade portals listed like Alibaba, Tradekey and so on, with your GSM phone, you could start earning commissions which run into millions of Naira in few months depending on the size of the shipment. All you need to do is to read through, carefully understanding the elements of an export contract process.
Here are the Contract sourcing options
International and bilateral Chamber of commerce: These are organizations you can join, they are Nigeria German Chamber of Commerce, Nigeria China Chamber of Commerce, Nigeria Belgium Chamber of Commerce, Nigeria Canada Chamber of commerce they are representative of business men in those Countries you can register with them and they can help you look at their data base to help you find a reliable and genuine buyers.
Attend workshop: A lot of workshops are being organized by export consultants through out the Country often times they give out contact of foreign buyers of Nigeria products, you can also attend the one being organized by the Nigeria Export Promotion Council (NEPC) they also organize seminars, they do invite foreign buyers to meet with Nigeria exporters, you can leverage on this opportunity to get an export contract
Personal contract through friends and relative abroad:: if you have friend  outside the country they can provide you with good contacts of importers of Nigeria products.
Referral from existing exporters: Some people are exporting already you can leverage on their experience some of them have a long term contract that they cannot fulfilled alone , they need more exporters from Nigeria to meet with their contract request.
International Business travels and film shows: A lot of us that travels out of the Country , we can use this opportunity look for buyers don’t just use it as a funfair but try and look for buyers of Nigerian exportable products
Internet portal: These are trade leads like, trade leads, B2B, Use Internet and online notice boards to post offers and respond to requests for new suppliers.
Contract Sourcing Processes
·        .         Read through export resource materials to get more information on your chosen product
·        .         Decide on the export contract to be sourced
·        .         Get a detailed profile of the export products from----
·        .         Get the product samples and divide it into 2 or more parts
·        .         Do a lab test on one of the products samples (test for the specification in the product profile)
·        .Reserve the other samples as product to be sent to the buyers in the future
·        Register as a free member on different trade portal and B2B Platform on the internet e,g Alibaba, when you get to any trade portal find out how robust  their services are, almost all of them has an help centre so you can click and read
·        State the details of the lab result of your product sample on the trade portals and B2B Platforms, if you done it with SGS state it there
·        Take the picture of the product don’t download picture on the internet
·        Check the portal on a daily basis to see the buyer’s responses to your mail
·        Before you answer the buyers question you can verify from a mentor or an excising exporters
·        Respond to the buyers enquiries promptly as soon as you get the response from them
.Making contacts with exporters: Once the importer have given their conscience to work with you as a broker you may run some classified adverts in the local newspaper such as “exporters are wanted for urgent product supplies” or “export business opportunities” This ad would be used to pull exporters of Nigerian commodities. When potential clients start calling as a result of the advert, inform them that you have buyers of the said product from a named part of the world say Germany, Belgium etc. I bet, you would be fascinated by the caliber of clients that will approach you for the contract. These ranges from retired senior military personnel and business tycoons with large reserve of funds. Fix an appointment and meet with your client Upon discussing the contract details, you could charge your client a finder’s fee of about N100, 000 and subsequently enjoy a 10% commission of the anticipated profit. Depending on the value of the contract, you could be well on your way to earning up to six figures monthly. Imagine collecting your finder’s fee from ten prospective exporters. This is a whooping N1, 000, 000 (one million naira) But for you to really communicate a detailed product description to both your prospective client and the foreign buyer, you would need comprehensive information about the quality profitability of the product in question.
.It might be slow at first, and you will need to plan your moves, make contacts and SELL YOURSELF. But once you make a few sales and sign several contracts, you will know that your dedication was worthwhile.
Tunji Afuwape is small business and SMEs finance expert

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